Welcome back!

Well, it's been years since I was updating! And I'm pretty serious when I say "years" cause my last post was from 2007. But NOW, we're back. FINALLY! After all this waiting. And I'm really sorry for just stop updating. But I've been really buisy with school, and in october I started a fansite called Johan The Rocker [http://johaanpaalm.blogg.se] and I've been updating alot there. I really hope I'm gonna keep this site up now! But, from now on this is only a blog. I'm sorry, but I really don't have time for a gallery, interact, media and other stuff. Now I will only update all news, all new pictures, interviews and all this stuff on this blog. I really hope you'll enjoy it :) And plase, check out my Johan Palm fan page. 

Don't you know who Johan is? 

Well, I thought so. He's a swedish singer, and I think every singel person here in sweden knows who he is, since he were in the Swedish "Idol 2008". How ever, the page is all in swedish, but I hope you enjoy it anyways. Go to media and watch him sing. I promise, he's the best :)



So, no more updating for now. I'll cya VERY soon I promise. Bye! 

Postat av: Narnia Fan

Hey there! Of course I remember you, Tilde! Thanks for stopping by my site! (: Yes, it's been a while. I think I will no longer update Miracle Moments since I've been a lot busy lately. Unfortunately, I don't have time to update the site any more. But I will keep the site open! So, you and other people are welcomed to leave messages for me at the guestbook and I will answer as soon as possible! (:

2009-01-14 @ 01:49:14
URL: http://www.piczo.com/miracle-moments

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